Halloween Hoedown in aid of Macmillan

The Chair of Carmarthenshire County Council is organising a Twmpath Tachwedd Halloween Hoedown in aid of Macmillan Cancer.
Cllr Siân Thomas is organising the event for the Macmillan ward in Glanaman Hospital where some new hoist equipment is desperately needed.
The Twmpath will take place in the Amman Centre in Ammanford, at 7.30pm on Friday November 2. The cost is £12, but all profits will go towards purchasing this equipment.
Cllr Thomas said: “There will be a live band and a ‘caller’ to make sure everyone knows the steps, as well as a warming ‘cawl’ and plenty of cakes. So if you fancy a twirl around the floor, or a lesson in how to do a ‘dozey doo’ with friends old and new, do support this cause.”
Anyone who wants to come should contact Siân Thomas on 01269 842151 to let her know and can then collect their tickets at the door.
She added: “Penygroes people are nothing if not determined to be known as good fund raisers for their favourite charities. Recently the Macmillan Coffee Morning organised by Mrs Jean Aldwinkle raised an amazing £1,125 pounds towards the cause. I’m following closely in her footsteps with the Twmpath.”


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