Carmarthenshire childcare business idea

People interested in starting up a childcare business in the county can receive a helping hand from the Carmarthenshire Children’s Partnership which can offer practical advice, guidance and even financial support. Help is available for people setting up a new day nursery or play group, after school club or holiday play scheme. Start-up grants are available to support new childcare providers with costs associated with establishing new care settings, including costs associated with staff recruitment, promotion and publicity, equipment and premises. Maximum allocations are made available to target areas which have been identified by the partnership’s Childcare Sufficiency Assessment as lacking in provision. Heidi Bassett, of Little Oaks Day Nursery, Priory Street, Carmarthen, received a grant to renovate a former pub in to a modern full day care setting. Her business has been up and running since March, and can cater for up to 18 children aged up to four on a daily basis, with one member ...