South Wales Evening Post column, November 15, 2024

A WISE man once declared, “You can live to be a 100 if you give up all things that make you want to live to be a 100.” OK, I’ll pause there, as it wasn’t a very wise man. It was film director Woody Allen who said it – and he doesn’t get into the Top Three of Wise Men in my book. But . . . that doesn’t mean I don’t agree with the essence of what he said, particularly as I am now in the ‘pensionable age’ bracket. You name it, and I’ve got it – free bus pass, senior railway card, a stent in the ticker, a multi-tiered pillbox for all my medicines, dodgy knees and arthritis in the ankles. With the discounted travel cards, I could hatch an escape plan, but I suspect the legs would let me down and I wouldn’t get very far. Sometimes, I think the travel option may be over-rated as the world seems to come to me, via unsolicited mail and publicity flyers through the letterbox and unwanted emails through the electronic inbox. For example, this week started badly with two flyers. The first su...