The latest Phil Evans column from the South Wales Evening Post

The latest Phil Evans column from the South Wales Evening Post.
Comedian Phil Evans is from Ammanford. He is known as the man who puts the ‘cwtsh’ into comedy.


Wales is the new Hollywood:
Wales is fast becoming a rival TO Hollywood.
No, I haven’t been drinking or forgotten to take my medication.
Apart from Swansea’s busy Bay Studios, Bridgend’s moth-balled Dragon Studios recently reopened for the multi-million dollar American TV series “The Bastard Executioner” and Pinewood (Wales) have opened studios between Cardiff and Newport.
The original Pinewood Studios have long been associated with the James Bond franchise, so it’s ironic that while Carwyn Jones stood outside the Pinewood (Wales) studios and said...
“The fact Pinewood has chosen to open a facility in Wales is testament to our beautiful landscape, vibrant cities, wonderful historical assets; our highly skilled and dedicated workforce; and the flexible support on offer from the Welsh Government
...over at the Welsh Assembly, the Presiding Officer rejected a request from the makers of “Spectre”, the latest Bond film, to shoot a sequence in the Senedd!
A classic case of the right hand not having a clue what the left one is doing.
As well as “Spectre”, I’m looking forward seeing a new film called “Blood Moon”, a supernatural-Western penned by a friend of mine, Welsh comedy writer Alan Wightman, who’s branched-out into writing screenplays.
From what he tells me, this film only got made thanks to the perseverance of the producers and director. It took seven years from the time Alan wrote the first draft until the cameras started rolling – during which time he completed countless re-writes.
It’s been screened at festivals worldwide, including South Korea, Brussels and the Ravenna Film Festival, Italy where it won the Audience Award For Best Film.
“Blood Moon” features a cast of familiar faces, including Shaun Dooley from “Broadchurch 2“ and “The Woman In Black” and Corey Johnson from “Captain Phillips”.
Amazingly, for a small, British, indie film, “Blood Moon” has just been released on DVD in the U.S.A., while Studio Canal (who enjoyed massive success with “Paddington” and “The Imitation Game”) are releasing it here on DVD and VOD on October 5th.
“Blood Moon” had a Welsh premiere organised by Bafta Cymru at Cardiff’s Chapter Arts and will be screened at independent cinemas around the U.K. - including the Savoy Theatre, Monmouth on October 23rd.
Halloween would have been more appropriate, but that night the Savoy is showing a certain film starring Daniel Craig that won’t include any scenes shot inside the Senedd!
As the Presiding Officer might have said as she slammed the front door shut...
“Ah! Mr Bond! We’re not expecting you!


Put it away:
Please don’t say that I’m the only one who bought a new barbeque and sun umbrella, painted the outdoor furniture and garden gnomes, yet am still waiting for the ideal opportunity to benefit from the work and expense?
In addition to this, my new sandals, shorts and Hawaiian shirt remain unworn in the cupboard, where they will now probably stay until next year, or maybe even the year after!
Like many, I’m sure; this was not the summer we envisaged.
The odd day of sun here and there where we all madly dashed out to make the most of it, as we knew within 24 hours, the rain would return.
But, look on the bright side, it’s nearly Christmas.
Yes, I used the ‘C’ word, better get used to it as it can only be a matter of days before the adverts start to appear on TV....
Now where did I put the receipt for the barbeque and sun umbrella?
Anyone looking for a bargain or swap for some good quality thermal underwear?


Welsh gifts:
Following on from last week’s Cwtsh v Cwtch debate and its colourful feedback, I have since discovered, in the little fishing village of Ammanford, the amazing ‘Gwdihw Gifts’shop, run by the truly talented Wendy Thomas.
Here, we have a shop full of beautiful original, hand crafted gift ideas and ‘Cwtsh’ merchandise (spelt the proper way!).
Clearly, I had not been looking far as this gem of a shop was virtually on my doorstep.
Those of you that know me well will testify to the fact that I tend to look out for different and original gifts which is something I take seriously, and have a passion for supporting local businesses and talent.
This is something we can all do quite easily and by doing so we will make such a difference, as each £ spent locally returns three times more money to our local economy - and that way we can all benefit.
We mustn’t forget that small independent businesses give our community its distinct personality – let’s all get out there and support them!


You can follow Phil Evans on Twitter @philevanswales and


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