Celtic Couriers on cue for hot-shot Colin

Pool hot-shot Colin Foreman is one of the smartest guys around the table thanks to his bosses at Celtic Couriers.
Colin, traffic supervisor with Celtic Couriers in Burry Port, plays pool at county standard.
He's now been sponsored with a new pool shirt from the courier and delivery firm.
The smart red top has a black 8-ball on the back.
Colin said: "I've been playing pool for a number of years and I really enjoy the sport. I'm proud to be part of the Celtic Couriers team and it's nice to be wearing a shirt carrying the firm's name when I take part in competitions."
Celtic Couriers general manager Gareth Jenkins said: "All the members of the Celtic Couriers team are very proud of Colin's pool achievements and we are all backing him to go on and achieve great success in the sport."


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