Grant scheme to help farmers diversify

An ambitious new £1.5 million RDP Sir Gâr grant scheme to help farmers to diversify and keep young people in the farming industry has been launched in rural Carmarthenshire
RDP Sir Gâr’s Supporting Farmers to Diversify grant aims to maintain and increase the income of farm households in rural Carmarthenshire, by providing the capital needed to enable farming families to diversify into non agricultural activity.
Retaining young people in farming by helping them to develop alternative sources of income and alternative employment opportunities is also a key issue.
The scheme has received funding through the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013 which is funded by the Welsh Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
Meinir Bartlett of the Farmers’ Union of Wales says:
‘Any funding available in safeguarding the future of farming families and helping young people stay in the farming industry and the rural community is welcomed.’
Funding of up to £50,000 is available for eligible projects to develop new enterprises, convert redundant buildings and purchase capital equipment. Diversification in to areas such as flower-arranging, catering, carpentry, tourism attractions, rental of farm buildings and online businesses - to name but a few - will be considered for grant assistance.
Alice James is the Project Officer who will be working with farming households in implementing the grant scheme. Alice is from a farming background herself and has previously worked with Antur Teifi on various schemes that included roles as a Farming Connect facilitator and a Social enterprise advisor. Alice says “We’ve already had lots of enquiries, with ideas ranging from carpentry workshops or tourism attractions to children’s crèche and catering. We’re looking forward to helping these ideas become realities for the farming families who apply.”
The first round of application submissions is taking place now. Farmers interested in developing new enterprises are encouraged to contact Alice to discuss the eligibility of their project as soon as possible to ensure they don’t miss out.


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