Work progressing on Carmarthenshire plan

Work is progressing on the Carmarthenshire Local Development Plan (LDP) which will govern the way in which the County develops up to 2021.
Residents are being given further opportunity to see how the local authority intends to take forward its plans for the future and to put forward their views.
A timetable for the preparation of the LDP and the involvement of the public in the process was set out in the LDP Delivery Agreement, which has now been revised.
The public and interested parties can now view the revision to the Delivery Agreement timetable, which has been formally agreed by the Welsh Assembly Government, on the Council’s website at
The revision and is available for inspection Copies can also be viewed at the Council’s Customer Service Centres, Planning Offices and Public Libraries during normal opening hours.
LDP Topic Papers have also been published for consultation as part of the preparation of the LDP and relate to the key policy areas of Minerals, Waste, Transportation, Development Limits, and Climate Change. The period for consultation extends from November 1, 2010, to December 13, 2010.
The Papers are designed to provide detailed information on key topic areas whilst also facilitating informal discussion and input from the public and interested groups.
Copies of these Topic Papers are available for inspection at the Authority’s Customer Service Centres and Planning Offices. With the exception of Minerals, they can also be viewed and downloaded at the Authority’s Corporate Website (
The website also contains information updated after previous consultation, as well as additional evidence in the form of an Employment Land Study, Population and Household Projections, and Carmarthenshire Retail Study.
Should you have any queries relating to any of these documents or to any other matter relating to the LDP then please contact the Forward Planning Section, 40 Spilman Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1LQ, or telephone 01267 228818.


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