Search for Carmarthenshire volunteers

An event aimed at attracting more adult volunteers to work with youth organisations in Carmarthenshire will be held at CAVS, Carmarthen, between 9:30am and 12pm on Saturday May 15.
Following an initial idea from The Prince of Wales, Uniformed Services delivering activities for young people in Wales have signed a memorandum of understanding to work together under the banner of Dreigiau Ifanc/Young Dragons.
The event will give people an insight into volunteering and information on the Uniformed Services within the county.
Carmarthenshire is one of two pilots areas in Wales that will develop Young Dragons and organisations including Carmarthenshire Council, CAVS, Dyfed Powys Police, Scouts, Guides, Army Cadets, the Young Farmers and Urdd are all working together to get more people involved in activities available across the county.
The overall aim of Young Dragons is to increase the number of volunteers to help run uniformed youth organisations and increase the numbers of young people across Wales who are members of a uniformed youth organisation and, in the long term, ensure that every young person in Wales has the opportunity to become a member.
Young Dragons is not about changing what is already in existence but about engaging young people in a range of positive activities and to help prevent anti-social behaviour. The scheme aims to give young people the opportunity to belong to a well established organisation offering adventure, experience and education; whilst at the same time developing life skills and encouraging social integration and educational engagement.
Fflur Hughes, CAVS Youth Volunteering Officer added: “This is a great opportunity for anyone wanting to take on voluntary work and to work with young people.
“Many volunteers are surprised at how much fun it can be to help others and while not every volunteer experience is the same, but by finding an opportunity that matches your interests, you have a good chance of having fun while giving time.”
For further information, please contact Fflur Hughes on: 01267 245 555


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