Minister praises Carmarthenshire council

Health minister Edwina Hart has commended Carmarthenshire County Council for its success in gaining a Platinum Corporate Health Standard Award.
Mrs Hart visited the county to congratulate the authority for achieving the highest possible standard in demonstrating business excellence and sustainable development.
The Health Standard, run by the Welsh Assembly Government, is the quality-mark for workplace health promotion in Wales.
The awards are usually handed out at bronze, silver and gold standard. Platinum standard is a new grading, only achieved by public and private sector organisations that surpass all other grades of excellence.
Carmarthenshire has previously won the bronze, silver and gold standards.
To achieve the platinum award, the council had to demonstrate business excellence and sustainable development as an integral part of business practice and culture.
A case study had to be presented with evidence across six areas - transport, community engagement, procurement, employment and skills, facilities management and capital build.
The Local Sustainable Food Strategy, launched in 2004, demonstrated all of these.
The strategy changed the way food and catering services were designed to build sustainable food chains, reduce environmental impacts, and produce healthier school meals using as much local produce as possible.
It meant Carmarthenshire led the way by making the link between sustainable health and food - something which no other Welsh authority or private sector catering provider had recognised at that time.
It also came before the national drive to improve school meals, which was later led by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver.
Whilst the catalyst for the project was improving the quality and nutritional content of school meals, it soon impacted on all the authority’s catering services - staff catering, special function and social care catering included. Small and medium businesses in the county also benefitted, helping to improve the economy of Carmarthenshire.
Presenting the award in Carmarthen Leisure Centre to members and staff, Mrs Hart said: "I commend and congratulate the Members and staff of Carmarthenshire County Council on achieving this award.
“Working as a team, they have set an excellent example in improving the health and well-being of both staff and the local community.
“I would hope to see this commitment reflected by many more employers across Wales, and I’m pleased to see local authorities leading by example in promoting healthy lifestyles."
Carmarthenshire County Council leader Cllr Meryl Gravell, said: "This is an excellent achievement for Carmarthenshire, and demonstrates that we are a council that aims for continuous improvement year on year.
“As an authority we are committed to improving the way all our staff and residents live and work, this platinum award was given to recognise our exemplar approach in this, for employees and for our local communities."

Council leader Cllr. Meryl Gravell and Head of Business and Specialist Services Elin Cullen, accept the Corporate Health Standard Platinum Award from health minister Edwina Hart. Also pictured is chief executive Mark James with executive board members and project officers. Pic Jeff Connell


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