New homes for Llangunnor
Details of plans for 66 new houses in Llangunnor have been approved by Carmarthenshire Councillors.
The county planning committee approved a reserved matters application for residential development on land at Brynheulog Farm, Roman Road.
The planning permission is subject to a Section 106 agreement that 22 per cent of the properties will be affordable housing, that a commuted sum of £68,000 is provided for the maintenance of the on-site public open space coupled with improvements to the existing recreation facilities within Llangunnor, along with a commuted sum of £32,000 for off-site highway improvement works.
The development will consist of a mix of two, three and four bedroom houses, all of which will be either detached, semi-detached or terraced properties.
There will be a range of nine different house types throughout the development, the terraced and semi-detached properties forming the affordable houses within the development.
The county planning committee approved a reserved matters application for residential development on land at Brynheulog Farm, Roman Road.
The planning permission is subject to a Section 106 agreement that 22 per cent of the properties will be affordable housing, that a commuted sum of £68,000 is provided for the maintenance of the on-site public open space coupled with improvements to the existing recreation facilities within Llangunnor, along with a commuted sum of £32,000 for off-site highway improvement works.
The development will consist of a mix of two, three and four bedroom houses, all of which will be either detached, semi-detached or terraced properties.
There will be a range of nine different house types throughout the development, the terraced and semi-detached properties forming the affordable houses within the development.