How to avoid oil thefts and scams
Are you worried about oil thefts or becoming the victim of a rogue trader or a scam? Do you live in or around Newcastle Emlyn either in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion or Pembrokeshire. Then come to the Age Cymru Sir Gâr Scams awareness event, where you can find out information on how to avoid falling for these scams and preventing oil thefts. You’ll be able to talk to various community organisations and pick up literature which will help you prevent falling victim to scams or oil thefts. The event is being held between 10.00am and 12noon at the Teifi Valley Centre, 38 Church Lane, Newcastle Emlyn (in the grounds of Maes Llewellyn residential home) on Tuesday 5 November. There is also an opportunity to join the lunch club afterwards for those that want to stay for lunch. However, please notify us before 10.30am if you intend to stay for lunch. While at the centre, you can also find out about the friendship groups and other activities we host. If you wish to attend but have problems