The latest Phil Evans column from the South Wales Evening Post
The latest Phil Evans column from the South Wales Evening Post Comedian Phil Evans is from Ammanford. He is known as the man who puts the ‘cwtsh’ into comedy --------------- C.S. Lewis once wrote “When I became a man, I put away childish things”. And while his Narnia books were written for children, old C.S. knew what he was talking about. As soon as my voice started to break and I realised that I could have more fun with girls than pulling their hair and pinching them on the odd occasion, I swapped my short trousers for long trousers. Actually, to be truthful, because I didn’t know any better, for the first three months I wore my long trousers over my short trousers. I was such an idiot at 19. I really was an idiot, because I was still in the Fourth Form. The Head was unhappy with me and refused to let me leave school without a single exam pass. So I decided to put a smile on the Heads face. Not his actual face. I used a marker pen to draw a big toothy grin on his portrait hangin