A new stand against fly-posting has been launched in Carmarthenshire. Council officers will remove any unauthorised signs and anyone caught could get an on-the-spot fine of £75 or a fine of up to £2,500 if prosecuted in court. The policy has been introduced to help clean up the county, stop unfair advertising and because it could potentially be a hazard to motorists. There will be some exemptions, however, for public bodies, community groups and registered charities, although these will be subject to a number of conditions, for example, in relation to safety issues. Executive Board Member for the Environment Cllr Philip Hughes said: “Fly-posting is displaying adverts and other promotional materials without permission, for example, on buildings, lampposts, railings, litter bins and elsewhere in public, mainly by business that want free advertising. “They make an area look messy and untidy and if not removed the posters slowly rot, becoming even more unsightly and causing litter. They al