Landlord training dates released by Carmarthenshire Council

Carmarthenshire County Council has become the first local authority in Wales to be accredited as a landlord trainer.
New Welsh legislation requires every landlord to register, and also obtain a licence if they manage a private rented property.
In order to meet licence conditions, landlords – or the person or agent they have appointed to manage their tenancies on their behalf – must attend approved training.
Carmarthenshire landlords are now being invited to train with Carmarthenshire County Council.
The course is only suitable for self-managing landlords. If a landlord manages a private rental property on behalf of another person, then they will need to attend an agent training course, which can be booked via Rent Smart Wales.
Cllr Linda Evans, Executive Board Member for Housing Services, said: “We are pleased to have been accredited as the first local authority approved Rent Smart Wales training provider. The course will go through all the requirements that a self-managing landlord will need to know in order to obtain a licence.”
Cllr Jim Jones, Executive Board Member with responsibility for enforcement, added: "Landlord registration and licensing is a positive step forward for the private rented sector - it will encourage more responsible letting and stricter controls to ensure a better relationship between landlords, tenants, and their communities."
The course involves a full day of training and will be held at The Beacon, Llanelli. Spaces are limited to a maximum of 15 per course. The cost is £85 per person, with refreshments provided.
Dates as follows:
June 23, 2016
June 29, 2016
July 7, 2016
July 19, 2016
August 17, 2016
September 14, 2016
September 28, 2016
October 6, 2016
October 12, 2016
October 20, 2016

Email or call 01554 899248.

Come along to one of our landlord roadshow where we’ll be discussing Rent Smart Wales and other issues relating to landlords. It’s free, and no booking is required.
Thursday, May 19 at Amman Civic Hall, Ammanford – 6-8pm
Thursday, May 26 at Ffwrnes Theatre, Llanelli – 6-8pm
Thursday, June 9 at Ivy Bush Royal Hotel, Carmarthen – 6-8pm

For further information, email or call 01554 899389.


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