Half price compost bin sale in Carmarthenshire

Residents in Carmarthenshire are being urged to give home composting a go and take advantage of a one day half price compost bin sale.
The council’s waste and recycling section is supporting Compost Awareness Week and is selling compost bins for just £6.
The sale is being held at the Co-op car park in Cross Hands on Wednesday, May 4, from 9am to 2pm.
The 330 litre compost bins are available to Carmarthenshire residents only and must be collected on the day (no delivery) with only one bin per address. It includes a free composting guide with every purchase.
Executive Board Member for the Environment Cllr Hazel Evans said: “Many people don’t realise just how easy it is to home compost or just how much of their household waste can actually be composted. Grass and hedge clippings, veg peelings, egg shells, tea bags and even shredded cardboard can go into your compost bin.”
Helping to reduce the amount of organic waste going to landfill, you will also be left with a nutrient rich compost to use in the garden.
If you don’t have a garden, remember you can still recycle any vegetable peelings, fruit cores, teabags and egg shells by using your food bins and putting them out for collection every week.
For those who can’t make it on the day, compost bins can be purchased from the council for £12 including delivery.
For further information visit our website or call 01267 234567.


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