Dyfed-Powys police make it into Private Eye

Dyfed-Powys police make it into Private Eye (first week of June issue) -
• As forces "adapt" services to meet the funding cuts, Dyfed Powys has decided to close seven police stations to reach its £13m target.
One of them is the £2.5m Ammanford station in Carmarthenshire, built under a PFI scheme in 2001, complete with its state-of-the-art custody suite with see-through toilets to retrieve, for example, drugs.
Unfortunately, according to insiders, the custody suite has been woefully underused since a death in custody not long after it opened.
A half-used building was perhaps an obvious target for closure; but it leaves people in swathes of north Carmarthenshire without access to a police station - while still facing the staggering £15m bill for the white elephant before the PFI deal ends in 2030. Brilliant!


Ian Walters said…
Rob, D-P police have used some strange buildings as police stations in the past, only a few years back, I was amused to find my dads old betting shop in Nott Sq was now a Police Station. Probably there were as many police in there as when it was in its former use.
Robert Lloyd said…
This made me chuckle. Remember it well.

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