Llanelli 'skaters' ignore dangers

It beggars belief that, despite all the warnings, youngsters still skate on thin ice.
On Tuesday morning nearly half a dozen youngsters were running the gauntlet by walking, running and having snowball fights on Pond Twym, near Llanelli Leisure Centre.
The newspapers, television and the radio have been full of warnings about the dangers of treading on frozen lakes and ponds.
Last week, two brothers died after falling through ice on a lake in Leicestershire.
But on Tuesday the warnings were being ignored.
During the current cold spell I have witnessed plenty of barmy incidents – motorists driving too fast or too close to the vehicle in front and pedestrians dicing with death by walking in the main road with their backs turned to oncoming traffic.
But today’s ‘skaters’ took the top prize in the idiot stakes.
One lad ran around the central island at Pond Twym, ignoring the obvious dangers and the fact that the ice coverage was very uneven.
Others, including some young girls, strolled on the ice, apparently without a care in the world.
It was obvious that a number of local communities were missing their resident idiots.
The personal dangers should have been obvious enough.
But you also have to consider how they could put other lives in danger.
If someone falls through the ice and is lucky enough to be spotted by passer-by, then further lives are put at risk by would-be rescuers.
And our emergency services have enough on their plates at the moment without having to consider foolhardy youngsters who put themselves in danger.
Skating on frozen ponds and lakes is dangerous. It’s barmy to try it. Simple as that.


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