Carmarthenshire roads boost

All primary routes in Carmarthenshire are clear and many side roads are now passable following treatment over the past few days.
Gritting crews were out last night at 6pm treating parts of the trunk road network and again at 4am this morning treating the trunk primary route network.
Operatives were again deployed throughout daylight hours treating the secondary routes where possible, including town centre areas, footways, housing estate roads, side roads and other areas where there were specific requests due to emergency access requirements with quarry stone grit to help restore access to these areas.
Care still needs to be taken on side roads due to the presence of some snow, slush and melt run off during the day.
No salt deliveries were received yesterday, but 300 tonnes from an alternative supply is due in today and this material will be blended with stone quarry grit in order to extend our capacity for treatment over the next few days in the event of the forecast snow arriving.
The possibility of further deliveries from our regular supplier will be notified after the Salt Cell has met today.
Current stock levels will allow us to undertake between one and three days salting depending on the level of use.
Today we will continue to monitor weather and work on spreading quarry stone grit on some of the secondary routes in outlying areas. This will be done on a priority/emergency basis initially.
Environment executive board member Cllr Haydn Jones said: “Our staff continue to do an excellent job in difficult circumstances, and we are very grateful for all their efforts.”


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