
Notice of personal information processing. (This is not an advertisement)

Business Contact Information Notice Lusha Systems Inc. and Lusha Systems Ltd. ( "Lusha" ) conduct business intelligence research on organizations and their employees and professionals and help companies find business contact and company profile information relating to an individual's name, position name or title, work telephone number, and work electronic addresses ( "Business Contact Information" ), which is used for the purpose of communicating with the individual in relation to their employment, business or profession. Lusha's proprietary online platform assists businesses (our "customers" ) to find business contact information through access to information regarding business professionals and companies ("Data") retained in Lusha's B2B database ( "Database" ). Our customers might use Data for sales, marketing, and recruiting. If you elect to do so, you may opt-out of our Database by visit

'There's no wander I'm always ready to ramble'

South Wales Evening Post column, Friday, April 19, 2024 GIVEN an audience of at least one man and a dog, I can raise my game and my ability to bore people to Olympic levels. All I require is that someone draws breath and allows me sufficient pause to start rambling on the benefits of walking. The subject of walking is one I approach with almost missionary zeal. As the survivor of two heart attacks, my tweaked internal plumbing requires that I follow the British Heart Foundation guidelines of getting at least 10,000 steps a day. Hitting that daily target now borders on an obsession. Most days, I will chalk up more than 12,000 steps and on big marathon days I will complete more than 25,000. All of this is recorded on a Fitbit tracker on my wrist and an app on my mobile phone. See, I told you I was obsessive; I need two methods to record my daily walks. As for planning my day, I follow the advice of the American naturalist and writer Henry David Thoreau, who once declared: “An early morni

Cor Meibion Llanelli singing Impossible Dream

Cor Meibion Llanelli Male Voice Choir singing Impossible Dream at their weekly rehearsals at Furnace Community Hall #Llanelli If you want to join the choir, turn up at the hall on Mondays, 7pm.

The latest podcast from Phil Evans and Robert Lloyd

The latest podcast from Phil Evans and Robert Lloyd. The Big Cwtsh - Episode 42. Now available on Soundcloud.

Easter products at Jenkins Bakery

The Jenkins Bakery has released details of its Easter range of products. “There’s something for everyone to enjoy at Easter time,” said the Jenkins Bakery’s operations director Russell Jenkins. “Our staff always enjoy producing new ideas for Easter and I’m sure our customers will enjoy sampling the products we have on offer.” Easter Sunday falls on April 21 this year. The long bank holiday weekend begins on Good Friday, April 19, and Easter Monday on April 22 is the final day in the bank holiday festivities. Mr Jenkins: “May I also take this opportunity to wish customers, staff and suppliers a very pleasant Easter holiday.” The Easter range includes – CHOCOLATE SPRING NEST £1.25 Moist chocolate Swiss Roll enrobed with chocolate and decorated with mini chocolate eggs in a nest of chocolate buttercream. BUNNY KRISPIES £1.25 Our chocolate krispie confectionery with an edible sugar bunny and drizzled with white chocolate. EASTER BUNNY BISCUIT £1.00 Our top quality shortbread

Apologies for the break in blogging

Apologies for the break in blogging. It's been a bit hectic on the work front. Hoping to resume a regular service shortly. Thanks R By the way, you can always find me here . . .

All smiles at new Trimsaran Community Primary School

Trimsaran Community Primary School is the latest school to be delivered through Carmarthenshire County Council’s Modernising Education Programme. The £6.8 million new building opened its doors September 2017 and caters for children aged between 3 to 11, with 30 nursery places and a Flying Start facility. It has state of the art facilities and first class accommodation designed for both school and community use. The building was jointly funded between the County Council and Welsh Government through the 21 st Century Schools initiative. Already, the new school has achieved a BREEAM Excellent rating and is a Passivhaus accredited building. Trimsaran headteacher, Sharon Owen said: “The building has been a dream for a number of years and, with much pride, we realize that dream. The education provided at the school has always been a strength and today, with new resources and facilities, we see our pupils thrive with renewed eagerness and enthusiasm so that they achieve their potential