Felinfoel gets a say on play

Felinfoel locals are being given the opportunity to have their say about play provision in the village.
The Communities First team is working in partnership with Llanelli Rural Council on the development and is holding an open day on Thursday, January 28 2010.
The main focus of the event will be to give families the chance to identify what play equipment they would like to be included in a new recreation ground being planned in Felinfoel.
Communities First, a Welsh Assembly regeneration initiative run locally by Carmarthenshire County Council, has already carried out several consultation events with local people, and have visited local parks.
Development Worker Kathryn Newman, said: “There is already huge support for the project form local residents, schools and organisations. It is clear that many families living in Felinfoel want a safe play environment for their children to enjoy.
“During the open day, local community members will have the chance to nominate what type of play equipment they would like to see in the new playground, as well as the opportunity to join an action group to drive the project forward and apply for funding.”
The open day will be held from 2-5pm at Community Education Centre, Felinfoel.
A number of activities will be available to children and youth members free of charge, including arts and crafts, badge making, face painting and colouring.
Everyone is welcome to attend. For more details, call the Communities First team on 01554 784847.


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