Welsh environment charity says that fracking and clean water don’t mix

The UN World Water Day[1] wants to promote energy use that keeps the world’s water safe, but a Welsh environment charity says that fracking and clean water don’t mix.
Friends of the Earth Cymru has urged the Welsh Government to take action on World Water Day (Saturday 22 March), and halt the fracking industry that could pollute water in Wales.
Exploratory drilling for shale gas uses 1.6 million litres of water for every frack[2], with the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency considering there to be a “high risk” to the water environment[3].
Director of Friends of the Earth Cymru, Gareth Clubb, said:
“Wales is rightly famed for our high quality natural environment. Fracking and clean water just don’t mix.
“Time after time we hear of fracking causing water pollution right around the world. World Water Day is asking people to consider the links between water and energy, and we know that the fracking industry could do serious damage to Wales’ water. Contaminating our ground water could mean pollution lasting for tens or even hundreds of years.
“The Welsh Government could halt the fracking industry in Wales any time it wanted, because it has full control over planning laws for onshore oil and gas. It’s time to call an end to this dirty industry and focus instead on energy efficiency and the renewable energy solutions that will be powering us for centuries to come.”

1. World Water Day http://www.unwater.org/worldwaterday
2. House of Commons Library shale gas briefing www.parliament.uk/briefing-papers/sn06073.pdf‎
3. Report on public inquiry into fracking in Scotland http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/environment/public-inquiry-will-hear-of-high-risk-of-water-pollution-from-fracking.23706530


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