Volunteers help speech and language students from Cardiff Metropolitan University

Hywel Dda University Health Board Speech and Language Therapy Department volunteers have been helping Cardiff Metropolitan University students learn about the service.
The department provides ongoing placements for 4th year university students and as part of their placement the students work with service user volunteers.
The volunteers provide an invaluable service in auditing, training and chairing meetings as well as developing and shaping learning policies.
The Community Team for Learning Disabilities placement educators met with Ria Bayliss, lecturer at Cardiff Metropolitan University to discuss the role of service users volunteers in the university health board and how they might contribute to the formal education of a wider student group.
Volunteers Sharon, Teresa and Nick presented a two hour lecture to the class of 4th year students.
Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, Yvonne Bruton-Miller, said: “Ria arranged an accessible lecture theatre and allowed us plenty of preparation time before the Speech and Language Thearpy (SALT) students arrived.
“The students learnt first hand about signing, symbols and the challenges that people with learning disabilities face.
“The feedback from the students and lecturer was excellent and plans are underway to repeat the presentation for next years cohort.
“The volunteers also enjoyed the opportunity to experience campus life for a day.”


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