Rural grants help Cwrt Henri projects for children

Cylch Meithrin / Ti A Fi Cwrt Henri has seen a rise in the number of children attending and extended sessions following a grant-funded marketing campaign.
The group successfully applied for funding from RDP Sir Gâr’s Rural Community Inclusion (RCI) project for a laptop, camcorder, signage to let people know where the group meet and what its activities are and marketing materials including a great new website:
The Rural Community Inclusion project has been funded by Welsh Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
Grants of up to £20,000 are available through Rural Community Inclusion to help increase the availability and accessibility of basic services and facilities in rural Carmarthenshire.
The laptop will be used by staff, children and parents to develop skills and confidence in ICT and the camcorder will create DVDs of various activities.
Executive board member for regeneration and leisure Cllr Meryl Gravell said: “I’m delighted that the RCI project has been able to provide funding.”
Executive board member for rural affairs Cllr Jim Jones said: “Playgroups fulfil an important role in rural communities.”
Cylch Meithin / Ti a Fi Cwrt Henri, Cwrt Henri Reading Room, Dryslwyn Tel: 07896 331 371. The opening hours are: Cylch Meithrin – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 9am until 11.30am; Cylch Ti and Fi hours, Friday 10.35am until 12.30pm.
If you would like to find out more about the Rural Community Inclusion grants then please contact Carmarthenshire County Council's Community Bureau on 01269 590 216


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