Aberglasney Gardens wins Heritage Lottery Fund support

Aberglasney Gardens in Carmarthenshire has received initial support from the Heritage Lottery Fund for a project to create a new heritage horticulture training facility at the historic gardens.
Development funding of £130,500 has been awarded to help Aberglasney Restoration Trust progress their plans to apply for a full grant of almost £1 million.
The project aims to provide inspiration and training for a new generation of gardeners as well as students with learning difficulties and school children and is the latest in a line of restoration projects at Aberglasney.
The facility will be housed in a group of derelict farm buildings on the site, once the piggeries of Aberglasney Home Farm.
As well as restoring the traditional buildings, there are also plans for a spectacular new greenhouse.
Roger Evans, Chief Executive of the Aberglasney Restoration Trust has welcomed the news that the project has been given the initial support of the HLF.
He said: “Aberglasney is already regarded as one of Britain’s finest historical gardens and the development of this new training facility along with the restoration of the buildings in which it will be based will ensure our continued success and a horticultural legacy for future generations.”
He continued: “I’m shortly to retire from the position of Chief Executive and the trust is looking for someone to take over the role, as well as advertising for a project manager for the ‘Piggeries’. The new CEO will have the opportunity to oversee one of Aberglasney’s biggest developments.”
Head gardener at Aberglasney, Joseph Atkin is eager to develop the plans for the facility: “Essentially we’re hoping to create our own ‘miniature college’ where we’ll be able to teach all of the skills that go into making a heritage garden like Aberglasney great.”
He went on to say: “As well as teaching students heritage methods of gardening, we’re planning that the buildings will also house a nursery for propagating plants that I hope will make Aberglasney almost self-sufficient.”
Joseph’s desire to impart his knowledge goes beyond his students too as the facility will also be open to visitors to Aberglasney. People will be encouraged to walk in and see students and the gardening team at work, once again enhancing the visitor experience.
Explaining the importance of the HLF support Jennifer Stewart, Head of Heritage Lottery Fund Wales said: “Aberglasney has a rich and varied history stretching back over many centuries and the project will provide new opportunities for local people to get involved in the project. We have awarded a *first round pass in recognition of the project’s potential to engage both locals and visitors as well as the benefits it could bring to the local area. There is huge competition for our grants so Aberglasney Restoration Trust now needs to develop its plans fully in order to compete for a firm award of up to £913,000.”


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