Carmarthen NightLight scheme looking to expand into Llanelli

A street support scheme in Carmarthen has proved so successful that Carmarthenshire Community Safety Partnership is hoping to do something along similar lines in Llanelli.
Carmarthen NightLight’s friendly team of volunteers from local churches and chapels go out onto the town’s streets on Saturday nights from 11pm - 3am to offer help.
The volunteers could be handing out flip flops to girls who can no longer wear their high heels, giving people water or lollipops, picking up abandoned bottles and glasses - or simply providing a listening ear.
The street team is in regular radio contact with the CCTV operators and police.
Carmarthen NightLight is supported by Carmarthenshire CSP which recently paid for warm winter jackets for the volunteers and funded a leaflet to raise awareness of the scheme and bring in new volunteers.
NightLight Co-ordinator, the Rev Coralie Steel said: “Both the police and the people on the streets are very appreciative of what we do and of the fact that we are there, looking out for people. We get lots of hugs!
“Sometimes simply being there, watching, can calm a potential situation; when fights do break out, if we're on the spot we've been able to help people who've been knocked over or upset by what's happened.
“'The new waterproof jackets have been very much appreciated, especially during the recent wet weather. The recruitment leaflets have already produced three new volunteers!”
Council executive board member for community safety Cllr Pam Palmer said: “We are aiming to set up a street support scheme in Llanelli as well based on the very good work that’s been done by NightLight in Carmarthen.”
Anyone interested in joining the NightLight Street Team and/or Prayer Team should contact the Co-ordinator, the Rev Coralie Steel on 01267 236369, email:, website:


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