Penygroes backs village park

The community of Penygroes has banded together to campaign for the rejuvenation of the village park.
The much-loved facility has become jaded and now on the back of minor improvements made this year a hard work group formed to rescue the park has landed a funding package of £100,000.
It means that the main green space in the village used by all ages for nearly a century will have new play equipment to serve present and future generations.
Impetus behind the Park’s rejuvenation bid is the Penygroes Park Steering Group made up from a kaleidoscope of other groups and clubs in the village.
County executive board member for leisure services Cllr Clive Scourfield said: “It is tremendous to see the hiraeth with everyone coming together to improve this treasure for the community that is the park.
“It truly is a community initiative with local youth involved in the designing and development of the project supported by Menter Cwm Grendraeth.”
The ambition proposals have been made possible thanks to £50,000 awarded through the landfill Communities Fund of Wales Recycling Group (WRG) administered by the Environmental body WREN.
There is support funding from Carmarthenshire County Council, £5,500 and the remaining money being made up from 106 monies.
Steering Group Chairman Mr Ian Sutton said: “Achieving the funding that will enable us to achieve our ambition will create a facility that meets the needs of the youth in the village.
“We are grateful for the support of the funders and cooperation of so many organisations that have worked together to turn this idea into reality.”
Organisations and community groups requiring funding for beneficial projects should visit or contact WREN on 01953 717165.


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