Dyfed-Powys in 'Nice Guy' appeal

Dyfed-Powys Police Force is in the vanguard of an appeal to make Halloween and Bonfire Night safe nights.
This time of year is one of the busiest for the police and the fire service with parties, fireworks, bonfires and trick-or-treating in the streets.
As a result, a number of activities are taking place in the lead-up to celebrations in a bid to cut ghoulish behaviour and help young and old stay safe as part of an all Wales multi-agency initiative called Operation Be a Nice Guy.
Shops and supermarkets throughout the county are being asked not to sell eggs and flour to young people in the lead-up to October 31.
Posters have also been produced for householders to display in their windows to say whether they welcome trick or treaters. The posters will be available from police stations throughout Carmarthenshire and will be distributed to vulnerable groups such as the elderly by Neighbourhood Policing Teams.
Police will be stepping up patrols during the two-week period and confiscating any alcohol, fireworks, eggs and flour from young people.
They will also be visiting licensed premises in a bid to stamp out underage drinking and working with the council’s trading standards to clamp down on shops selling fireworks to young people. Shopkeepers caught selling fireworks can be prosecuted, facing fines of up to £5,000 and/or six months imprisonment.
Parents are being urged to make sure they know where their children are and what they are doing and to encourage them to attend organised events such as Halloween discos and public fireworks displays.
Neighbourhood policing teams and police school liaison officers will also be visiting schools to remind youngsters about the effect their behaviour can have on the elderly and vulnerable in the community.
Safety posters can be downloaded from
Trick or treating advice -
# Always go trick or treating with an adult
# Only go to houses where you or your friends know the residents
# Don’t knock on doors saying ‘No trick or treaters here'
# Stay in areas that are lit with streetlights. Take a torch with you just in case.
# Stay with your friends - don’t split into smaller groups unless an adult goes with you
# Don’t talk to strangers on the street
# Don’t enter any house, stay on the doorstep
# Although Hallowe’en is supposed to be spooky, be careful not to frighten elderly people
# Always look carefully before crossing the road even if you’re in a group
# Be visible


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