Carmarthenshire dogs decision latest

No decisions on dog control orders in Carmarthenshire - including the numbers of dogs allowed to be walked by one person or creation of dog free zones - will be taken until the New Year.
Residents and dog lovers are being reassured by Carmarthenshire County Council there will be full consultation with all interested parties before any decision is taken.
They are being urged to ensure they take part in the proper consultation process and to ignore falsehoods being spread about the kind of controls proposed.
Park managers and rangers across the county are being plagued by anxious dog owners and walkers fuelled by “barking mad” misinformation perpetrated by a small number opposed to any controls at all on dogs, or their owners, being made.
The Authority is emphasising it not proposing to ban dogs from all beaches and parks or insisting they be kept on leads at all times. The orders are being designed to ensure there are some dog free areas within some parks and beaches and to encourage all dog owners to be more responsible. But no decisions have yet been taken.
Executive board member for the environment, Councillor Haydn Jones, said: “It is unfortunate news of the proposed dog orders is being interpreted as the Authority being Draconian towards dog lovers.
“This is blatant misinformation. The majority of responsible dog owners are being let down by those who let their dogs run free in all areas, are unable to control them and cause fouling without picking up. We get more complaints about stray dogs and fouling than any other issue involving the council, so the magnitude of the problem is enormous and must be dealt with.
“The orders are being designed to help stamp out these problems with severe penalties for those who flout common sense and decency and create a public nuisance.
“We are balancing the interests of dog owners who need to exercise their dogs, with the need for people - particularly children and those who are afraid of dogs - to have access to dog-free areas.
“The public will be able to have their say on the proposals as part of the public consultation exercise which will get underway in the New Year.”
It was hoped that a public consultation exercise would get underway in the autumn. It has been delayed, probably until the New Year, with a view on the proposals being sought from the Welsh Assembly Government.
The proposals, drawn up by the Council under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, have been sent to the Assembly.
They include banning dogs from certain areas such as schools, play areas and sports pitches; limiting the number of dogs that a person can walk in public places and keeping dogs on leads at all times in some areas such as on public highways and pedestrianised areas in town centres.
Failure to comply with a Dog Control Order could lead to a £75 fixed penalty notice from park rangers or other council personnel or prosecution through the courts that could result in a fine of up to £1,000.
See earlier post -


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