Carmarthenshire schools win awards

Schoolchildren from across Carmarthenshire have recycled 5,890 old Yellow Pages to help plant new trees.
Some 39 schools across the county have taken part in the Yellow Woods Challenge.
The eco-friendly pupils were asked to collect the old directories which were then picked up on behalf of the county council by CWM Environmental to be recycled.
Not only could the schools win cash prizes for the number of Yellow Pages they recycled, but for every pound Yellow Pages awards, they will give a matching pound to the Woodland Trust for its Tree for All campaign.
First place went to Llanddarog, second place to Llanedi and third place to Gorslas. A highly commended and bonus prize went to Ysgol Gwynfryn.
All four winning schools were presented with framed certificates and cheques by Carmarthenshire County Council chairman Councillor Tyssul Evans at a special reception at County Hall along with the executive board member for the environment Councillor Haydn Jones and local members.
Councillor Evans said: “I would like to congratulate all the schools that took part in the challenge, this has been an excellent competition with a total of 5,890 old Yellow Pages directories being diverted from landfill and being recycled.”
Councillor Jones added: “Recycling not only saves valuable landfill space but also reduces the amount of energy needed to manufacture new products. By taking part in the Yellow Woods Challenge, these pupils are learning very important environmental issues at an early age – a great start for our next generation of recyclers.”
Gold Oak Award: Llanddarog collected 1379 Yellow Pages with 90 pupils attending the school.
Silver Birch Award: Llanedi collected 161 Yellow Pages with 28 pupils attending the school.
Bronze Beech Award: Gorslas collected 476 Yellow Pages with 101 pupils attending the school.
Highly Commended and Bonus Award: Gwynfryn school collected 254 Yellow Pages with 76 pupils attending the school.

Carmarthenshire County Council chairman Tyssul Evans presents the pupils and teachers from Llanddarog, Gorslas, Llanedi and Gwynfryn schools with their certificates and prizes along with the executive board member for the environment Councillor Haydn Jones and local members.
Picture: Jeff Connell.


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