Wanted: A GP for Goodwick in Pembrokeshire

Hywel Dda University Health Board and Goodwick Surgery are actively seeking recruitment for a new GP to take over when Dr Van Kempen retires later in the year.
A job advert to try and attract a new GP to the area is being promoted through traditional and clinical networks, as well as through the UHB’s increasing use of social media sites.
Assistant Director of Primary Care Elaine Lorton said the aim was to demonstrate the benefits of both working and living in the area.
“We are trying to show the benefits of living in such a beautiful and welcoming community, as well as the career advantages,” she said.
“The University Health Board is shifting its emphasis towards community and primary care to ensure that care is increasingly provided closer to home whenever possible and that our hospitals can concentrate on providing planned and urgent care when it is needed.”
Goodwick Surgery becomes a managed practice next week (from April 1), a move agreed between the UHB and Dr Van Kempen, to ensure the continued local provision of high quality general medical services in Goodwick and at the branch surgery in Letterston.
Dr Van Kempen, who has been working for almost 25 years, will continue to work in the practice until his planned retirement in September; ensuring continuity of care for registered patients and stability. Other staff, clinical and non clinical, will continue to work at the practice, providing their usual excellent service and all partners are working closely together to ensure there is a smooth transition and patients notice very little change.
It is expected that this arrangement will be temporary, allowing continued delivery of services and reassurance to local people and staff, whilst a permanent contract is sought. The opinion of the local community and patients will be sought prior to any decision about long term provision of the service.
To view the job vacancy, visit http://www.jobs.nhs.uk/xi/vacancy/b67e1979127ee0bfecafd710509263b5/?vac_ref=913682198&src=infonly


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