Parents concerned about the commercialisation of childhood

Parents remain concerned about the impact advertising and marketing are having, both directly and indirectly, on the lives of children and young people a new report reveals.
Research published by Mothers’ Union reveals that despite welcome attention since 2010, four in five (80%) parents in Britain are concerned about the commercialisation of childhood, and a similar proportion (81%) say that the media encourages their children to ask their parents to buy them things that they see advertised, indicating the potential impact of “Pester Power”.
The research, which was carried out by ComRes with over 1,000 parents in Great Britain in 2010 and 2013, also demonstrates that the proportion of parents who think advertising that can be seen by children is well regulated has decreased since the charity’s previous research in 2010. Just 30% of parents in Great Britain agree that advertising is well regulated in 2013, compared to two in five (39%) who said this in 2010.
Speaking as the research was published, Head of Faith & Policy and report author Lucinda Hasell said, “the subject of the commercialisation of children has received a lot of welcome attention in the last few years, but our research shows that parents are still concerned about this issue, and only half (51%) of those we spoke to felt equipped to manage the influence of advertising and the commercial world on their family. Further steps need to be taken to ensure that children are not exposed to inappropriate advertising and marketing and that parents are empowered to manage the impact of the commercial world
Mothers’ Union will be continuing the Bye Buy Childhood campaign, and is calling on the Government to consider why parents are still concerned about the commercialisation of childhood. Through the report they make six recommendations to Government that they believe will ensure children and family life are not adversely impacted by commercialisation.
“We are calling on politicians to ensure that this important issue remains a priority for the next government” said Mrs Hasell “Nearly half of parents we spoke to (45%) felt that advertising treated children as adults and 68% felt that advertising seen by children can be harmful to them. It is important that industry adheres not simply to the letter of existing regulation, but also considers how to meet the spirit of the regulation. Parents need to have support in both this way and also in the resources and information available to them, to ensure that the childhood of their children is valued by society as a whole.”
Chief Executive of Mothers’ Union, Reg Bailey, whose own 14 recommendations to Government (Bailey Review 2011) have largely been met, agreed that more still needs to be done to maintain vigilance on the way commercialisation affects children. “We’re not looking to wrap children up in cotton wool. We want to say to parents, government, industry and all those who support children, that developing emotional resilience is a key part of enabling our children and young people to deal with the challenges and pressures they face as they engage with the commercial world. Nevertheless, this shouldn’t have to be an uphill struggle for parents – they too need to be provided with effective support. These recommendations are a vital step on the way.”
The qualitative research reveals that parents want to equip their children to be confident and ‘their own people’. Mothers’ Union ongoing campaign will work to ensure that parents, children and young people are educated, equipped and empowered to help create and increase resilience.

Research findings available from ComRes

Mothers’ Union: Mothers' Union is an international Christian membership charity that aims to demonstrate the Christian faith in action through the transformation of communities worldwide.
We are working with people of all faiths and none in 83 countries to promote stable marriage, family life and the protection of children through praying, enabling and campaigning.

Our aims and objectives are:
To promote and support married life
To encourage parents in their role to develop the faith of their children
To maintain a worldwide fellowship of Christians united in prayer, worship and service
To promote conditions in society favourable to stable family life and the protection of children
To help those whose family life has met with adversity

ComRes: ComRes interviewed 1,081 parents in Britain online between the 4th and 11th November 2013, and 1,001 parents in Britain online between the 18th and 24th
August 2010. Data were weighted to be representative of all British adults age 18+. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules. Full data tables are available at ComRes also conducted five depth in-home qualitative interviews with parents and their children in London in June 2014.

Endorsing quotes

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu said: “I’ve supported Mothers’ Union’s Bye Buy Childhood campaign since it was launched in 2010 and I know just how thrilled Mothers’ Union members have been to see the response from Government, Industry and the Third Sector, as they take measures to protect children. But it is right that Mothers’ Union continues to be vigilant on these issues, and encourages all of us to continue to play our part in not only ensuring that everyone adheres to government regulations, but also strives for best practice to support parents and children.”

And from Liat Hughes Joshi, author of New Old-Fashioned Parenting and How to Unplug Your Child
"More than ever now we're bombarded with messages telling us that buying our children the right toy, or giving them the right treat is what good parenting is about and will create the perfect childhood. Yet this report from Mothers’ Union shows that only half of parents actually feel equipped to manage the commercial word and even more of us – 80% - are concerned about the commercialisation of childhood.

I’ve been delighted to come across Mothers’ Union’s campaign recently and to read that they are advocating the Government stays engaged with these issues, to ensure parents are supported by being equipped to teach their children about the commercial world.”

Chairman of the Children’s Society and Bishop of Truro, The Right Reverend Tim Thornton, said: “I am concerned to read this new and powerful report and commend the Mothers Union on their work. As Chair of the Children’s Society I know how important it is to strive to enable children to be children. The research demonstrates how pervasive commercialisation is in our world. I hope we all take this seriously and consider how we can increase our own resistance to ‘pester power’.”

Fiona Bruce MP and Mothers’ Union Member: ‘The Mothers’ Union ‘Bye Buy Childhood highlights the very real concerns which so many people have about the commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood, and that the window of childhood closes all too quickly in our country today.
Congratulations to the Mothers’ Union for continuing to engage with and challenge policy and decision makers to do more to tackle these issues, and to support parents to do so.’


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