Friends of the Earth reaction to M4 plans judicial review

The judicial review of the Welsh Government’s M4 plans found in favour of the Welsh Government.
The Director of Friends of the Earth Cymru, Gareth Clubb, said:
“Naturally we’re disappointed by the conclusions of this judicial review.
“But the case against the M4 gets stronger by the day. Just yesterday a report was published by the renowned Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research [1] that said ‘it is difficult to envisage how the M4 relief road can be justified’.
“And the traffic projections used by the Welsh Government don’t stack up: traffic volumes are already 4% less than the Welsh Government predicted.
“We’re going to continue making the case that the Welsh Government shouldn’t be wasting £1 billion of taxpayers’ money on a hugely destructive scheme in one corner of Wales”.



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