Little 'eco warrior' rewarded for his dog fouling campaign

A little eco warrior from Burry Port has been given an award by council staff for his work in raising awareness about dog fouling.
Carmarthenshire County Council’s enforcement team have issued five-year-old Harry Evans with an Eco Hero award after his mother contacted the department asking for stickers because Harry wanted to place them in the community when he saw people not cleaning up after their dogs.
The Burry Port primary school pupil was also given a family pass to Play King, courtesy of them after they heard of his good work.
Mum Helen Morgan said: “During the summer Harry noticed some people would take their dogs to the grass area near our home and they wouldn’t clean up after them. Some days he would stand in the garden with his hand on his hips staring at the people who didn’t clean up after their dogs. I got in touch with the enforcement department and asked if there were any stickers that Harry could put up in the area because he was fed up with the dog mess left in the area.”
Harry has since asked for more stickers to put up in the area.
Environmental enforcement officer Ian Richards said: “Harry has shown great initiative, even for a 5-year-old and is helping us in our battle against dog fouling. It’s nice to see young people such as Harry raising awareness of the importance of keeping our areas clean and free of dog mess and as such he highly deserves our Eco Hero award for all his good work. I would also like to thank Play King for providing us with the family pass.”
Carmarthenshire County Council’s executive board member for Environmental and Public Protection Cllr Jim Jones added his thanks to Harry. He said: “It is great to see someone as young as Harry understand the importance of not cleaning up after your dog and I congratulate him on his work. Environmental enforcement officers carry out regular patrols across the county, however, they cannot be everywhere all of the time and so the council needs the help of the public to catch offenders.
“Anyone who sees someone allowing a dog to foul and then fails to clean up the faeces, is asked to note what has happened as soon as possible.
To report dog fouling please call Carmarthenshire Direct on 01267 234567 or at


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