Red Kite Law partner Paul James centre stage at West Wales Economic Forum

As one of the largest employers in West Wales, Red Kite Law is actively engaged in discussions to improve the business environment for clients and contacts.
Paul James, Head of Company and Commercial Law, took part in the West Wales Economic Forum at the Parc y Scarlets stadium in Llanelli.
Paul was one of only four business experts on a panel fielding questions from an invited audience of over 100 delegates – all themselves representatives from the leading businesses in West Wales.
The other panel members were Roger Evans, managing director and plant director, Schaeffler (UK), Anna Bastek, director, Wolfestone Translation, and Stephen Yorke, area commercial director, HSBC.
“The questions and the broader debates were topical and very interesting” said Paul.
“We covered everything from the roll out of high speed broadband to how to improve education locally to make sure people have the skills they need to join the workplace. I found the tone most encouraging for business in West Wales and it is inspiring to be part of those discussions.
"I’m really delighted we could play our part by sponsoring the event – as the leading local legal firm we see it as important to be part of the solution for local businesses.”
Durng the discussions Paul identified tourism, energy, agriculture and professional services as potential growth areas for the West Wales economy.
These are all sectors in which Red Kite Law has a good deal of expertise and he pointed to the initiatives in West Wales that could really help local businesses including the dedicated food technology centre set up by Ceredigion County Council as part of its economic development strategy called Food Centre Wales, and also the Haven Waterway Enterprise Zone.
The panel took questions on how to overcome the “Cardiff” pull to attract investment to West Wales, energy, broadband links, education and opportunities for the area.
One of the major topics for debate surrounded the proposed Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon.
On a show of hands, most of the audience at Parc y Scarlets backed the Tidal Lagoon plan.

You can read about the debate in more detail in the October edition of the Wales Business Insider magazine.

About Red Kite Law
Red Kite Law has 12 partners and a total headcount of 81, with seven offices spread across Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Chepstow
The team at Red Kite Law can be contacted on 01267 239000 and 01437 763332 or through the website at

Pictures of Paul James at the Insider West Wales Economic Forum sponsored by Red Kite Law.

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