Carmarthen business urged to join High Street campaign

Businesses in Carmarthen are being urged to join the new High Street campaign being launched later this month.
Carmarthenshire County Council is supporting the Welsh Government initiative taking place between September 20 and 27.
It is aimed at encouraging businesses and communities to support their local High Streets and rediscover the benefits of shopping locally.
A number of events and activities are being planned in town centres across Wales during the week, and Carmarthen is now being urged to join in.
Regeneration executive board member Cllr Meryl Gravell said: “We are supporting the campaign and are encouraging local shops and businesses to come forward with their ideas.
“It could be a specific event or a number of different activities or promotions – the main thing is that people take this opportunity to raise awareness of the benefits of shopping locally.
“Some town centres are running large carnival style events, whereas in others there are a number of smaller activities taking place.
“There is no right or wrong, it’s all about promoting your business and encouraging more people to shop locally.”
The Welsh Government has also come up with ideas as to how people can join in the campaign.
Suggestions include a number of businesses teaming up to organise a major event; a few shops getting together to put on entertainment; or individuals holding their own activities or promotions.
If you would like to get involved or would like more information please contact Elinos Walters on 01554 744 376 or email


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