University Health Board welcomes outcomes of RAMI mortality data review

Hywel Dda University Health Board has welcomed today’s expert independent report by Cardiff University epidemiologist Professor Stephen Palmer.
The University Health Board has worked closely with Professor Palmer in the preparation of his report and the Medical Director is already leading a comprehensive review of its quality and safety measures with the majority of the work already in train or complete.
These review measures include clinical audit data, incidents and complaints and implementation of care packages which has provided assurances about standards of care at Glangwili Hospital, Carmarthen.
Professor Palmer’s report concludes that reviewing the medical records of patients who have died in hospital provides a better and more robust way of assessing quality and safety in hospital than mortality data, the Risk Adjusted Mortality Index (RAMI).
The University Health Board is already reviewing medical records, but Professor Palmer makes recommendations to make the process even stronger.
On behalf of the University Health Board the Medical Director, Dr Sue Fish, said: “We would like to assure patients that safety is always our top priority. We are confident of the safety of services at Glangwili Hospital and are clear on the areas which we need to focus on to ensure we continue to provide further assurances of the quality of care we provide.
“Further, we have also consistently clinically reviewed all patient case notes for over four years and following Professor Palmer’s recommendations, like all other health boards in Wales we are in the process of implementing the new methodology for the All Wales Mortality Reviews introduced in April this year. This will provide additional assurances. This work will be led by Carmarthenshire’s Associate Medical Director in conjunction with our consultants and experts from the 1000 Lives Improvement Unit. In addition, we have also invited Dr Jason Shannon, the National Clinical Lead for mortality reviews, to advise and support us with this work.”
The Medical Director’s review is part of the process of continuous improvement for patient care such as participation in national clinical audits which is regularly reported and scrutinized by the University Health Board’s Quality and Safety Committee which provides assurance to the University Health Board.
A report of the review outcomes will be made available in six weeks in order to provide further assurance for patients about the standards of services at Glangwili Hospital.
If any patient has any concerns they wish to discuss, they can contact the Health Board’s ‘Putting Things Right’ team on 0300 0200 159.


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