Saron School pupils in special study of moths

The secret nightlife of an Amman Valley school was revealed recently as part of a conservation project.
Officers from Carmarthenshire County Council’s conservation section visited Saron School which has a nature area within its grounds, and a very keen nature group.
Officers set a moth trap overnight, and by the next morning 60 species of moth were identified numbering about 200 individual moths in the trap.
The bright light of the moth trap bulb attracts them from the surrounding habitats. They then fall in the trap and nestle amongst egg boxes placed in there.
Pupils were shown the moths, handled some, and found out more about them and why they are an important part of the natural environment.
Most moth species are only active at night and come in a range of sizes, shapes and colours.
Many have camouflage to help them hide from predators, others are brightly coloured like the tiger moths and hawk-moths.
Biodiversity officer Isabel Macho said: “Moth numbers are falling and some moths that used to be found in most gardens every year are now seen only occasionally. The enthusiasm of the pupils here and the wonderful nature area they have is inspiring .”
Gwenda Easton from Saron school said: "What a truly amazing experience! It is so heartening to have evidence that our conservation area is attracting such a diverse collection of moths.
“The experience and opportunity of studying these at close range was inspirational for all our staff and pupils".


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