Billion pound motorway plan angers Friends of the Earth

The Welsh Government has announced the go ahead for a six lane motorway that will plough through part of one of Wales’ most protected and environmentally sensitive landscapes.
The £1 billion motorway will devastate nationally important wildlife sites in the beautiful and peaceful Gwent Levels south of Newport, but will not be open to traffic for more than a decade.
The massive cost will rule out other far less damaging options that could bring transport improvements to the area in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the price.
Environment groups such as Friends of the Earth Cymru, RSPB Cymru and the Gwent Wildlife Trust, transport expert Professor Stuart Cole from Cardiff University, and business representatives including the Federation of Small Businesses have all opposed the plan, with fears it could trash Wales’ environment and economy.
Gareth Clubb, Director of Friends of the Earth Cymru, said:
“This vastly expensive, utterly unnecessary and terribly damaging motorway is the worst possible transport choice for south east Wales. And the billion pound price tag means that, at a time when traffic has actually decreased since 2007, it’s going to come at the cost of the sustainable solutions that could benefit us all.
“Investment in public transport and some modest road improvements could improve transport in the area at a fraction of the cost, and we could be seeing the benefits almost immediately.
“Surely we need to see an end to these massively destructive and out-dated road schemes? This Welsh Government seems stuck in a past age of concreting over our beautiful countryside and committing our economy to a fossil fuel future we won’t be able to afford.”
“It's time for the sustainable travel revolution the people of Wales truly deserve, that will benefit people the length and breadth of Wales now, and in the future.”


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