Latest 'Healthy Wednesday' advice from the Hywel Dda Health Board

Latest 'Healthy Wednesday' advice from the Hywel Dda University Health Board - 

This Healthy Wednesday - did you know there are five ways to wellbeing?
The Five Ways to Wellbeing are a wellbeing equivalent of ‘five fruit and veg a day’!
This Healthy Wednesday we are urging you to look at what you may currently do and to look at what you could do to improve your wellbeing.
So what are the five ways?
  • Connect… with people around. Building connections will help support and enrich your life. Make the effort to speak to family, neighbours, work colleagues and friends more often. 
  • Be active… being active can make you feel good. Do something you will enjoy like walking, cycling or even playing a game. 
  • Take Notice … be aware of what is around you and how you feeling. How many of us didn’t notice the flowers when we drove to work or the birds singing in the trees? 
  • Keep learning .. learning new things can help make you confident. It doesn’t have to be something academic why not learn to fix your bike, or play an instrument? 
  • Give.. do something nice for someone or try volunteering! Even smiling at someone can make a difference! It can help you connect and be very rewarding 
For more information go to


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