Aberystwyth University is the safest University in Wales

Aberystwyth University is the safest University in Wales according to a report published by The Complete University Guide: http://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/.
Aberystwyth also retains its position among the top five safest locations in England and Wales to study.
Compiled from official police data, The Complete University Guide gives the clearest picture possible of the crime rates for the communities surrounding almost 140 universities and other higher education institutions in England and Wales.
The report looks at three selected crimes - burglary, robbery and assault – and is based on the cumulative rate of all three crimes occurring over 12 months within a three mile radius of the main campus.
Professor John Grattan, Pro Vice-Chancellor for International and Student Experience at Aberystwyth University, said; “We know from our research that the majority of our students chose to study in Aberystwyth because it’s a safe and friendly place.
“We have also found that when we ask our students what they love about the town, they all tend say that it’s the great community spirit in Aberystwyth. Students feel very much a part of that community during their time here.
“I am delighted with the results of this report because it shows and recognises what a wonderful environment we have here, which is vital for student satisfaction and in our business and community relationships.”
According to The Complete University Guide, it is estimated that one-third of students become victims of crime, mainly theft and burglary, and about 20 per cent of student robberies occur in the first six weeks of the academic year.
Official data for crimes affecting students is not available. The Complete University Guide has selected three crimes as most relevant to students, namely burglary, robbery and violent crime.
More information can be found on this report on The Complete University Guide website: http://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/

Aberystwyth University www.aber.ac.uk
Established in 1872, Aberystwyth is a leading teaching and research university and was awarded a Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education in 2009. It is 35th in the UK for ‘Research Quality’ (Sunday Times University Guide 2014) and won the award for Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology at the Times Higher Education Awards 2013. The University is a community of 12,000 students and 2,300 staff and is about creating opportunities, research with excellence that makes an impact, teaching that inspires, engaging the world, working in partnership and investing in our future.


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