Residents urged to report littering from cars

Carmarthenshire residents are being urged to help rid our roads of rubbish by reporting people who throw litter from their cars.
Litter from vehicles is a major problem throughout the UK with cigarette ends, crisp packets, drinks cans and fast food littering our verges.
Research by Keep Britain Tidy shows that 23% of people are likely to throw litter from their car; and it is getting worse.
Residents are now being urged to report anyone they see dropping litter from a vehicle.
Note the registration number along with the car make, model and colour if possible as well as the date and time of the offence.
Council environmental enforcement officers can then make inquiries to identify the offender and issue a fixed penalty notice of £75. If prosecuted in court the maximum fine is £2,500.
Executive Board Member for Environmental and Public Protection Cllr Jim Jones said: “This is a filthy habit which makes our local environment unsightly and unwelcoming and can lead to more serious criminal offences.
“We have been cutting the grass verges and the amount of rubbish it has uncovered is absolutely unbelievable.
“It costs £2.2 million per year of taxpayers money to clean up our county – money that could be better spent.”
Figures show that the most littered item from cars are cigarette end, closely followed by fast food and then confectionary.
Cllr Jones added: “Our officers have fined a number of people for dropping litter from cars, both when stationary and on the move. All their vehicles are fitted with cameras so people are less likely to get away with it. We have also had reports from the public which has helped us to catch those responsible; so the more people that report offences will hopefully discourage this type of anti-social behaviour.”
You can report offences at or by calling Carmarthenshire Direct on 01267 234567


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