Appeal for support against overground cables and pylons

Everyone in Wales is being asked to support Carmarthenshire in their opposition to overground cables and pylons planned as part of Brechfa Wind Farm.
County Council Leader Cllr Kevin Madge has launched an e-petition on the UK Government website as part of a national campaign against the plans by Western Power Distribution.
He is now urging everyone to show their support, and is also asking the Welsh Local Government Association, MPs, AMs and all 21 other Welsh local authorities to sign the petition.
The aim is to gather a minimum of 100,000 signatures which could see the issue debated in the House of Commons.
The petition states: “We the undersigned find it totally unacceptable that the proposed Brechfa Forest, Carmarthenshire, Wales, wind farm (s) National Grid connection should be made via an overhead line supported by wooden pylons.
“The environment of these, and other communities, should not be blighted by the visual impact of overhead cables. We ask the Energy Secretary to ensure that such connections are made underground in the UK.”
The petition follows a Notice of Motion against the plans, proposed by Cllr Peter Hughes Griffiths at the last full council meeting, which was unanimously accepted.
Councillors argued that the overhead cables and pylons would be detrimental to the environment, to communities, a potential risk to health, a blight to housing and have an adverse effect on tourism in the area.
Members heard that there was no technical reason why the cables could not be laid underground, it was a matter of increased cost for Western Power.
The online petition sits on the UK Government website at
Cllr Madge added: “It is vital that we demonstrate the strength of feeling against these proposals. There is no reason other than cost that the cables cannot be laid underground.
“We do not want this blight in Carmarthenshire or anywhere else in Wales, and we call on the Welsh people to make their voices heard.
“The decision must be taken by the UK Energy Secretary, it is essential he understands our views on this important matter.”


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