Reminder to pubs, clubs and shops about underage drinking

Licensed premises and members clubs across Carmarthenshire are being warned about selling alcohol to under-18s ahead of the A-level and GCSE exam results.
Council licensing officers have been speaking to licensees and club representatives in the county to remind them of their responsibilities.
In particular, if taking bookings for functions they need to establish whether the event is aimed at young persons so that they can decide whether to accept the booking and have adequate measures in place to prevent the sale to or consumption of alcohol by under-18s.
Tackling underage drinking is a key priority for the Carmarthenshire Community Safety Partnership, which includes the council and the police.
A lot of work is underway to educate staff at licensed premises in relation to fake IDs.
Test purchasing exercises using child volunteers are also carried out throughout the year.
Councillor Tom Theophilus, chairman of the council’s licensing committee, said “The majority of licensees are responsible and manage their premises to a high standard but officers of the council will take action against those who don't run their premises responsibly.
“The Licensing Committee advises licensees of their obligations in relation to sales of alcohol and they are reminded that if they suspect that a person is underage the advice is - if in doubt, please do not sell.”
Youngsters using fake IDs to buy or consume alcohol are also being warned that they are committing a criminal offence and could be fined. The Community Safety Partnership is encouraging young people in Carmarthenshire to carry a Validate card.
Executive Board Member for Community Safety Cllr Pam Palmer said: “The Validate card is a vital tool in helping to reduce underage drinking and the associated harm to individuals and society.
“It gives young people a convenient means of proving their age and offers retailers a reliable means of ensuring that they are exercising due diligence at the point of sale.”
For further information or to apply for a Validate card call Carmarthenshire Direct on 01267 234567.


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