'Women in public life' seminar in Swansea

A 'Women in public life' seminar is being hosted by the Welsh Assembly's Presiding Officer, Rosemary Butler AM, at the National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea on Friday, 28 September.
Programme -
Registration and lunch
Official welcome by Rosemary Butler AM, Presiding Officer of the National Assembly for Wales.
Introduce some the key themes from the ‘Who runs Wales’ report produced by the Equality and Human Rights Commission focusing on the barriers to increasing women’s representation in public life.
Welcome by Elin Rhys, Managing Director of Telesgop multimedia production company and panel discussion chair.
Meet the panellists
Each panel member will speak briefly about the barriers they have faced in their careers and what they feel should be done to help break down these barriers.
Elizabeth Aitken , Assistant Chief Officer / Director of Resources / Treasurer of the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service
Rachael Flanagan, Managing Director, Mrs Buckét Cleaning Services
Paula Manley, Managing Co-ordinator, Women Making a Difference (WMAD)
Panel discussion and question and answer session
Closing remarks from the Presiding Officer.
Rosemary Butler said: "As the National Assembly’s first female Presiding Officer, I am committed to ensuring that everyone in Wales has a say in the way our country is run. In particular, I want Welsh women’s voices to be heard and their views valued.
"This will be the fourth in a series of seminars the Assembly is hosting in partnership with the Equality and Human Rights Commission and the Institute of Welsh Affairs. During the seminar, a panel of influential women will discuss practical solutions for enhancing the representation of women in public life."
Please email: Assembly.bookings@wales.gov.uk or call 0845 010 5500/


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