Call on First Minister to boycott power station opening

A leading environmental charity has called on First Minister Carwyn Jones to boycott the opening of Pembroke power station this week. Friends of the Earth Cymru told Mr Jones that the power station has caused ‘considerable controversy’.
Gareth Clubb, Director of Friends of the Earth Cymru, said:
“Many people would disagree with the First Minister attending a fossil fuel celebration of such controversy.
“This power station uses outdated technology to pollute Milford Haven in a manner that the Countryside Council for Wales found to be unacceptable. But it was still approved by Westminster. Clearly, the ability for us in Wales to make our own decisions on power stations must be devolved.
“At a time when runaway climate change is melting the arctic ice faster than any time in recorded history, now is not the time to be building new fossil fuel power stations.
“If we’re going to get a grip on climate change and generate green jobs that will give our children hope for a better future we need to be focusing on a 100% renewable future”.


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