Green light for free parking in Ammanford

Carmarthenshire Council’s Executive Board has given the go ahead to free parking at three Ammanford car parks from September 1st.
Shoppers will be able to park for free for up to four hours after 10am in the Wind Street, Hall Street and Baltic car parks.
It is hoped the move will offer economic support to traders as regeneration works are carried out in the town centre.
Council leader Kevin Madge said: “The council is trying its best to help traders in Ammanford in what are very difficult times. We don’t know how long this recession is going to last or what the knock-on effects are going to be, but with the works going on in the town centre as well we want to provide some support to the traders.”
The works include improvements to the bus station and the town centre retail areas and will provide a much-needed boost for the town. Although every effort will be made to minimise disruption, some inconvenience is inevitable.
Executive Board Member with responsibility for transport and parking services Cllr Colin Evans said the council had listened to the concerns of traders and responded accordingly.
“I have spoken to a couple of traders and they welcome this help from the council whilst the town centre works are being carried out,” he said.
“The works include essential improvements which will help to rejuvenate the town centre and increase trade.”
A similar arrangement for free parking is also underway at the multi-storey car park in Llanelli whilst the East Gate retail and leisure development is under construction.
When St Catherine’s Walk was under development in Carmarthen; the council provided a free ‘park and ride’ service.
Chief Executive Mark James explained that each town is looked at individually.
The provision of free parking in Ammanford will apply for a period of two months whilst the town centre works are underway and it will cost the council approximately £9,100.


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