Dai Greene fever takes over at Felinfoel pub

Dai Greene fever takes over the Harry Watkins hostelry in Felinfoel on Monday. It becomes centre of the universe on Olympic 400-metre hurdle final night.
Radio Five Live are homing in on the pub for a live broadcast that will be filled with Dai Greens fans screaming their support for Dai to win a Gold medal in the final.
Mine hosts Rowland and Linda Cross have organised a special Dai Greene buffet and the whole village is expected to pack in to cheer Dai along.
For more than a month the pub has posted a banner outside the pub pledging their support for Dai who has been known to pop in on the rare occasion when he is home.
Dai may be at the London Olympics but his cardboard cut out which has been all around Llanelli in the last six weeks will be there.
Linda said: “We are huge Dai fans and fever is running high for support for Dai. Most of our customers are wearing the much sought after Dai go for gold wrist yellow bands. We have a few more left top give out to those lucky to claim them.
“We so much want Dai to win a Medal and I am sure if he wins gold we will blow the roof here with the emotion. People have been touching his cut out and kissing it for good luck.”
“He is a son of this village and his Mum and Dad and brothers Darren and Stephen are regulars.
“It is strange how we are all feeling the tension and yet from what we see of Dai he is as cool as a cucumber. It’s fingers, toes and everything else crossed Dai wins an Olympic gold to eclipse everything else he has achieved, European, World gold medallist and not forgetting Carmarthenshire Sportsman of the year three years on the trot.”


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