New CCTV camera a boost for Burry Port

A new CCTV camera has been installed in Burry Port Park.
The Carmarthenshire Community Safety Partnership has funded the camera, costing almost £10,000.
It followed a request from the police and the town council for an additional camera for the town.
It is hoped it will help police in their fight against crime and anti-social behaviour as well as provide reassurance for residents by reducing the fear of crime.
The town already has two CCTV cameras and the new addition will significantly increase coverage in the area.
County councillors Pat Jones and Stephen James have welcomed the crime prevention boost for the town.
Cllr Jones said: “CCTV is seen as a major deterrent against all types of crime as well as anti-social behaviour and I am delighted that we have been able to secure another camera for the town, I am sure residents are also pleased as it will help to increase safety.”
Cllr James added: “We do not have a major problem with crime in Burry Port but like any other town there are some issues, particularly in relation to anti-social behaviour. We are working with the local police and the Community Safety Partnership to address them as best we can and this is another step in the right direction.”
The cameras in Burry Port are monitored in the CCTV control room at Llanelli Police Station. Highly-skilled CCTV operators are able to observe incidents as they happen and directly inform police colleagues immediately. The evidence can then be used in court if needed. Much of the operators’ time is also spent looking for specific people or vehicles at the request of police officers. When there are no specific incidents to be looked at on the screens, they are proactively monitoring the areas covered by CCTV to ensure everyone’s safety.
Inspector James Davies said: “"CCTV is a useful tool in the ongoing fight against crime and I hope the residents of Burry Port will feel even more reassured that their town is safe with this latest installation.”
The Community Safety Partnership includes the council, police, fire and rescue service as well as a number of other agencies and was set up to tackle crime and disorder in Carmarthenshire.
Executive Board Member for Community Safety Cllr Pam Palmer said: "The Community Safety Partnership is committed to tackling crime and disorder in Carmarthenshire. CCTV makes a huge contribution to tackling crime and anti-social behaviour and helps to make the public feel safe and secure.
“CCTV is just one of a number of tools being used in the drive to make Carmarthenshire a safer place to live, work and visit.”


Harvey Shepherd said…
With the installation of these security devices, citizens will feel safer. They won’t be worried about their safety whenever they roam around the area. I just hope this project will be implemented in other towns as well.
This project is indeed convenient for everyone. Cooperation between the citizens and those who are in authority can make this more effective. A combination of watchful, vigilant eyes and the unblinking vision of CCTV cameras can definitely help make the place safer. This will certainly ease the hearts of people whenever they visit Burry Port Park.
Odessa Hanton said…
That’s the idea, Harvey. The other neighboring towns and communities should emulate this wonderful feat. That will make the citizens feel safer. I applaud the people behind this partnership; I won’t be surprised if the crime rate in Burry Port drops.

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