Can you help Alzheimer’s Society?

Would you be prepared to volunteer to befriend someone in the early stages of dementia?
The Alzheimer’s Society is looking for volunteers across Carmarthenshire and has joined forces with Menter Cwm Gwendraeth to ensure that Welsh speakers with dementia are supported through the medium of Welsh.
Gill Morgan, Volunteering Officer at the Alzheimer’s Society, whose role is being funded for the first 12 months by the WCVA said: “It would be fantastic to hear from anyone interested in volunteering, wherever you live in the county. You can gain new skills and experiences; it can help you build your confidence and self esteem and it can also be a route to employment or a career change.
Volunteer Befrienders support people with early-stage dementia in their local community, helping the individual to take part in recreational activities. It is hoped you will be able to offer a few hours each week or fortnight and provide some continuity over a number of months. Volunteers are also needed to help with the local services the Alzheimer’s Society runs such as Support Groups and Cafes, and Singing for the Brain groups.
In order to expand the work of the Society, so that even more people with dementia and their carers in Carmarthenshire can be helped and supported, there is a need to raise funds. If you are enthusiastic about fundraising within the local community, have the ability to motivate a team of people and can organise a fundraising event then this volunteering role is for you.
David Saywell for Menter Cwm Gwendraeth said: “I am really pleased to be working in collaboration with Gill and the Alzheimer’s Society to promote Volunteer Befriending in our communities. It is vitally important that Welsh speaking people who are developing dementia are able to have contact with Befrienders who can talk to them in Welsh.
 We all appreciate that community involvement is crucial in so many ways and I want to work with disenfranchised, disengaged or economically inactive people and involve them in social activities such as this which will be of benefit both to themselves and the wider community.”
Volunteer befriending is part of the Innovative Communities Project, which is supported by the Rural Development Fund for Wales 2007-2013, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Welsh Government.
For further information on volunteering opportunities, please contact Gill Morgan on either 01269 845953 mobile 07715 802632 . Any groups or individuals interested in taking part in the Cryfhau Cymunedau scheme can contact David Saywell directly on 01269 871600 or 07891 487247.
Do you know?
• The Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading support and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers.
• There are 40,700 people with dementia in Wales, with numbers set to increase to 43,500 by 2013.
• The Society campaigns for a better quality of life for people with dementia and greater understanding of dementia.


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