Help for rural small businesses in Carmarthenshire

With more than 90 per cent of commerce in Carmarthenshire conducted through small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), where would the economy of West Wales be without them?
They are the engines that enable us to live and work in this rural corner of our crowded island.
Now, more than ever, the businesses of Carmarthenshire face challenges to their profitability and continued existence.
As oil and gas becomes scarcer and more expensive, companies using energy intensive processes such as cheese production, ice-cream making or sausage making will no doubt struggle as a result of the inevitable rise in energy prices.
Menter Cwm Gwendraeth (MCG) have received RDP Sir Gâr funding* for their Adfer project and are offering a free service that will help rural businesses combat these rises. Using equipment such as energy monitors, voltage checkers and thermal imaging cameras, MCG’s experienced and knowledgeable staff will be working with rural businesses to reduce their energy overheads, make their business sustainable and build up resilience for the future.
Often simple no-cost measures can be effective and businesses that are able to reduce energy use could also qualify for the prestigious “Green Dragon Award” and there are already several working towards accreditation with MCG.
Dai and Marcia Mathews have already benefitted from the new scheme at their butchers shop in Llandovery. By working with MCG they have discovered that they can save hundreds of pounds every year by installing modern, energy efficient lighting.” Intelligent” sensors can reduce energy demand of “high frequency” lights.
MCG’s Resilience Officer, Dr Neil Lewis, points out: “Old equipment can be cost effectively updated or replaced with modern, efficient machines and investments can be paid back in months not years through savings made. Another perk is that investment can be claimed back against tax via the “enhanced capital allowance” scheme.“
Reducing energy bills is just one aspect of the service. MCG will also be helping businesses to source local and fair trade supplies and continue to cultivate links and support for the local community, wherever the business is situated.
If you’d like to find out more, contact MCG on 01269 871600/ 07970 479802 
*This project has received funding through the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013 which is funded by the Welsh Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.


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